a pitcher pouring milk into a glass with espresso

10 Ways To Use Sea Moss Gel

There are so many ways to use sea moss gel! Whether you are adding it to a smoothie for a boost of nutrients or using it topically for skin care, this superfood has many health benefits and endless uses.

If this list inspires you to make your own, check out our in-depth guide on How to Make Sea Moss Gel.

overhead view of raw sea moss, hydrated sea moss, sea moss gel, and sea moss powder

What is Sea Moss Gel?

Sea moss gel, derived from Irish moss (Chondrus crispus), is a nutrient-rich edible seaweed that can be used in various ways to enhance your overall well-being. To learn more about the health benefits of sea moss gel, check out our guide.

How to Use Sea Moss Gel

On its own, it has a neutral taste and smooth texture that makes it easy to mix with other ingredients. When added to other ingredients, it's undetectable but your body will definitely notice its impact. And once you learn the best ways to use sea moss gel, you'll want to add it to everything!

1. Add to Smoothies.

Blend it into smoothies or shakes with fruits and veggies for a nutritional boost. It thickens the consistency and provides vitamins and minerals. Add 1 tablespoon to recipes like this Cherimoya Smoothie or Hydrating Cherry Smoothie.

glasses filed with assorted smoothies with sea moss gel

2. Add to Juices.

Putting it in your juices is an easy way to quickly consume the gel. It pairs well with any flavor because it's virtually tasteless. Try 1-2 tablespoons in this Spirulina Drink or Cantaloupe Juice.

a pitcher of spirulina drink (with the option to include sea moss gel)

3. Mix in Tea or Coffee.

Some people mix a small amount of sea moss gel into water, herbal teas, and coffee drinks as a natural source of hydration. If you're an avid coffee drinker, this a great way to get a healthy boost first thing in the morning.

Stir it in right along with your sugar and creamer. Add it to your coffee or this refreshing Espresso Tonic. If you're more of a tea drinker, include it in Cacao Tea or in a hot cup of Digestive Tea.

a pitcher pouring milk into a glass with espresso

4. Use as a thickening agent when cooking.

Sea moss gel is an excellent natural thickening agent in recipes, such as soups, stews, porridges, oatmeals, and sauces. It has a jelly-like consistency that works as a vegan alternative to gelatin. You can achieve a creamy texture without using dairy or artificial thickeners. Try it with breakfast in a Savory Oatmeal or in this Green Goddess Soup recipe for lunch or dinner.

dips and spreads

5. Binding agent to replace eggs.

This a great egg substitute for vegan recipes. Simply use 2 tablespoons of sea moss gel in order to replace one egg in a recipe. Use this in everything from pancakes to desserts. Try it the next time you make Vegan Gluten-Free Pancakes.

a slice of cheesecake plate with a platter of cheesecake in the background

6. Add To Salad Dressing.

Another easy way to get in your daily dose is to add it to salad dressing. Mix it into your favorite salad dressing to enhance its nutritional content and add a creamy texture. Add one tablespoon to sweet (Honey Lime Dressing) or savory (Vegan Caesar Salad) recipes.

a platter of salad with a side of sea moss gel salad dressing

7. Add to dips and yogurt.

Whether it's a parfait, fruit dip, or a granola bowl, adding a dollop to creamy yogurt is the way to go. Adding it boosts the probiotic levels in your yogurt. Include it in a Yogurt with Granola Bowl recipe.

two yogurt parfaits made with sea moss gel

8. Use it as a face mask.

This plant-based substance is rich in Vitamin C, which increases the body's production of collagen. Wondering how to use sea moss gel for skin? Combine sea moss with honey, avocado, ground turmeric, and aloe gel.

Apply it to clean skin, then allow it to dry for at least 5 minutes. When applied, it feels cool and refreshing. It immediately moisturizes and softens your skin while giving you a clearer complexion over time.

a person laying down with slices of cucumber over their eyes
Photo by Adrian Motroc on Unsplash

9. Use as a hair mask.

There are different ways to use sea moss gel that doesn't involve ingesting it. Apply it to the hair and the scalp as a conditioning treatment. Mix sea moss and egg yolk, coconut oil, yogurt, or avocado and olive oil. It is thought to help promote hair growth, strengthen hair strands, and provide essential nutrients to the scalp.

a woman fully submerged in water with herbs and sliced citrus fruit
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

10. Mix in the water to water house plants.

But the benefits don't stop with humans. It's also good for your plants! It provides plant soil with nutrients. Add a few tablespoons to half a gallon of water and use it to water your greenery once a month.

a man watering a plant
Photo by almani ماني on Unsplash

What is the best way to consume sea moss gel?

It is incredibly versatile so it can be used in beverages, soups, sauces, dips, hair care, and skincare. The best way to consume it is whichever method is most convenient for your lifestyle. You can always consume it as is by eating a spoonful but most prefer to add it to their drinks. So try it in a smoothie, coffee, tea, or juice for an easy way to get some extra nutrients.

How much sea moss gel do you take a day?

The general rule of thumb is to consume 1-2 tablespoons daily. However, individual needs may vary so consult with a medical provider or dietician if necessary.

How do you know if sea moss gel is bad?

Although it comes from the ocean, it should not have an overwhelming fishy smell. If it smells pungent or sour, toss it. If the consistency has become more wet or watery than jelly, it has more than likely gone bad.

More Healthy Recipes To Try!

a clear mug filled with cacao tea with a spoon and scattered cacao nibs surrounding it

Cacao Tea Recipe And Benefits

Cacao Tea is a naturally sweet, chocolate tea made from brewed cacao husk that is both energizing and nutritious. Instead of throwing away the shells of cacao beans, enjoy their immense benefits and use them to make a delicious drink! This quick and easy 2-ingredient hot tea that's ready in just 5 minutes. (This recipe is gluten-free, vegan, and refined sugar-free.)

For more healthy drink recipes, try our Hydrating Cherry Smoothie and this Easy Detoxifying Spirulina Drink next.

a clear mug filled with cacao tea with a spoon and scattered cacao nibs

I love tea and this cacao tea is exceptional. I tried it for the first time when I lived in Peru and now I'm obsessed. I went to a chocolate-making class where I learned of Peru's rich culture of chocolate-making. We learned the entire process of making chocolate from removing the cacao beans from the fruit, to roasting the beans, removing the shell, grinding them, and more! The instructor excitedly explained all the incredible benefits of cacao tea including its ability to energize the body similar to a cup of coffee but without the jittery effect or harsh coffee crash. They mentioned it is also great for lactating mothers as it energizes, increases oxytocin, and helps increase milk production.

So you can immediately see, cacao tea has such great benefits. I enjoy a cup first thing in the morning with breakfast to get my day started and sometimes after a meal. Why not skip the caffeine jitters and enjoy a hot cup of cocoa tea?

Reasons This Cacao Tea Recipe Works

  • Super Simple! All you need is cacao husk and hot water to make this hot tea.
  • Great Coffee Alternative! Get a boost of energy without the negative side effects associated with caffeine.
  • A Healthy Beverage! Try it for the taste but keep drinking for all the health benefits! Cacao husks and nibs are rich in powerful antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins like magnesium and Vitamin C so it supports overall wellness.
a clear mug filled with cacao tea with a spoon and scattered cacao nibs surrounding it

What is Cacao Tea?

Cacao tea (not to be confused with cocoa tea) is loose-leaf cocoa husks infused in hot water. This hot beverage was discovered by the Mayan civilization.

What is the difference between cacao beans and cocoa beans?

Pronounced “Ca-cow”, Cacao is the raw, unprocessed version of cocoa. Cacao beans are cocoa beans in their natural state. The raw bean is referred to as cocoa beans once they are roasted.

a hand removing stepped cacao nibs from a clear mug

Cacao Tea Benefits

Increases Energy

Cacao is high in theobromine, a caffeine-like stimulant, found in cacao and chocolate. It acts as a stimulant in the body while creating a more relaxed effect by increasing serotonin and dopamine levels and reducing stress by reducing cortisol levels.

Great for Brain Health

The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties present in cacao husk reduce the cell damage that could potentially lead to Alzheimer's disease. Regularly drinking cacao husk tea also increases focus.

Mood-Boosting Properties

Cacao husks are rich in theobromine, a natural substance that stimulates the brain and reduces mental fatigue. It also acts as a natural muscle relaxer and decreases blood pressure.

Maintains Heart Health

Flavonoids in cacao have been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease. The HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol found in dark chocolate (derived from cacao) reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Improves Digestive Health

The cacao bean contains fiber which encourages regular bowel movements, relieves stomach issues, and prevents hemorrhoids. And the antioxidants in cacao husks reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Great For Women Breastfeeding

Cacao contains a substance called theobromine, which has been shown to increase milk production in lactating women.

a clear mug filled with cacao tea with a spoon and scattered cacao nibs surrounding it

Ingredients You’ll Need

  • Cacao Husk: The shell of the cacao bean is often overlooked and discarded but this is a superfood with so many nutritious benefits. It has a delicate chocolate flavor that makes it a great healthy treat.
  • Water: This is the liquid base of the tea.


  • Cinnamon: This adds a warm, aromatic quality that counters the tart, sometimes bitter taste of raw cacao.
  • Agave syrup: Use this natural sweetener if you want a sweeter cacao tea.
  • Milk of choice: You can use almond milk, coconut milk, oat milk, whole milk, heavy cream, or even a splash of condensed milk. Use whatever you prefer.
overhead view of a spoon holding cacao nibs and scattered cacao beans

How to Make Cacao Tea

Steep for 5 minutes in boiling water. (The longer you steep the stronger the chocolate flavor.) Then sweeten, add a dash of milk, and enjoy!

cacao nibs steeped in hot water to create tea

Tips To Nail the Recipe

  • The longer you steep the tea, the more intense the chocolate flavor.
  • Do not use cocoa powder as a substitute for cacao; that's hot cocoa. It won't have the same nutritional value.
  • Enjoy this drink fresh for the best results.


  • COCAO NIBS TEA. Use this for a sharper chocolate taste that is more tart.
  • MORE SPICES. Nutmeg, star anise, and bay leaves add an aromatic quality to this hot drink.
  • ICED TEA. Refrigerate the tea after steeping to make iced cacao tea.



What is the difference between a cacao husk and cacao nibs?

The husk is the outer shell of the cacao bean whereas the nibs are the crumbled bits of the cacao bean. The husk has a sweeter, delicate flavor while the nibs boost a stronger chocolate taste that is sometimes bitter. You can use either to make this cacao tea recipe.

Does cacao tea contain caffeine?

Cacao husks are caffeine-free. However, they contain theobromine, a natural substance that enhances focus but keeps you calm for more relaxed energy than coffee.

Does cacao tea help you sleep?

Although it has relaxing qualities thanks to the theobromine, this drink is not a sleep aid.

cacao nibs steeped in hot water to create tea

I Hope You Enjoy This Cacao Tea Recipe!

If you try the recipe, don’t forget to rate the recipe and let me know what you think in the comments. Leave a quick review & star rating ★ below! Take pictures and share them with me on InstagramFacebook, and Pinterest! I love seeing my recipes come to life in your kitchen.

More Healthy Drink Recipes To Try!

Cacao Tea

Cacao Tea is a naturally sweet, chocolate tea that is both energizing and nutritious. Enjoy this quick and easy 2-ingredient hot tea that's ready in just 5 minutes. (This recipe is gluten-free, vegan, and refined sugar-free.)

  • 2 tsp Cacao Husk (can use cacao nibs)
  • 9 oz Boiled Water


  • pinch Cinnamon
  • 1-2 tsp Agave syrup
  • 1 tbsp Milk of choice (plus more to taste)
  1. Steep for 5 minutes in boiling water. (The longer you steep the stronger the chocolate flavor.)
  2. Sweeten, add a dash of milk, and enjoy!
cacao husk tea, cacao nibs tea, Cacao Tea, cacao tea benefits, Cacao Tea recipe, does cacao tea have caffeine, how to brew cacao tea, how to make cacao tea, what is cacao tea

green spirulina powder on a white background with a measuring teaspoon filled with spirulina in the powder

What Is Spirulina? 10 Benefits of Spirulina

Spirulina is an edible blue-green algae packed with minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that naturally nourish the body. This plant-based protein, most often consumed as a supplement, has been heralded as a superfood. Let's discuss the many benefits of spirulina, its potential side effects, and how to implement it in your diet.

green spirulina powder on a white background with a measuring teaspoon filled with spirulina in the powder
Photo by Supliful - Supplements On Demand on Unsplash

What is Spirulina?

Spirulina is a nutrient-dense food that derives from the sea. It is a cyanobacteria (single-celled microbe) most commonly referred to as blue-green algae. It was first used by the Aztecs, dating back to the 1300s.

While it was once limited to health food stores, its popularity has skyrocketed in the past few years. You may have seen it flashed across social media as a buzzword or noticed it on the menu at your favorite smoothie shop. Even NASA astronauts use it for nutrition.

But the truth is, spirulina is excellent for general health so it really does deserve all the hype.

carafe half full of spirulina detox drink with a glass of spirulina in front and a small bowl of spirulina powder in the back right corner
Spirulina Detox Drink

Health Benefits of Spirulina

So what are the benefits of spirulina?

1. Detoxifies

The nutrients present in this superfood promote the elimination of toxins. Consuming it aids in the elimination of heavy metals in the body (i.e., nickel, cadmium, and lead).

2. Boosts Immune System

It has more immune-boosting properties than both blueberries and carrots. It increases the white blood cells which produce antibodies. Antibodies help your body fight off infections.

3. Supports Gut Health

Spirulina is easy to digest and actually improves digestion. Consuming it can also assist in the growth of healthy gut bacteria known as probiotics.

4. Improves Sinus Health

Use it to combat seasonal allergies. It helps to expel mucus, relieve a runny nose, nasal congestion, and alleviate general allergy symptoms. it can also restrict histamines, which can trigger allergic reactions.

5. Anti-Cancer Properties

The antioxidants present in this plant-based protein combat free radicals (a harmful molecule). Antioxidants also reduce inflammation, decreasing the risk of diseases like cancer. In one study, spirulina was effectively used to shrink oral cancer tumors.

6. Protein Rich

It is packed with amino acids (the building blocks of protein) so it's super nourishing. In fact, spirulina is 60% protein so it's one of the best natural sources of protein. It's great for those who are malnourished.

7. Excellent Source of Iron

Spirulina has more iron (and less calories) than spinach. It helps with period symptoms. It is excellent for those with anemia because it boosts the hemoglobin content in red blood cells.

8. Good for Brain Health

A spirulina-rich diet leads to less oxidative stress. Oxidative stress increases chronic issues in the brain, including stroke, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease. The edible algae is also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty acids help combat anxiety and depression.

9. Supports Heart Health

The anti-inflammatory properties of spirulina can reduce the risk of heart disease. It can improve blood cholesterol levels and triglycerides so those with high blood pressure should definitely try it to help lower blood pressure.

10. Helps Manage Diabetes

The superfood can prevent diabetes or assist in controlling chronic disease. Consuming it lowers blood glucose levels and the protein keeps blood sugar levels under control.

Spirulina Infused Sea Moss Gel

How to Use Spirulina

Take it as a dietary supplement in tablet form or as a powder.

  • Drinks: Use spirulina powder to make nutritious, refreshing drinks like this Spirulina Smoothie and Detoxifying Spirulina Fresca Drink. It's most popularly used in smoothies and smoothie bowls, but it's also great in teas and even cocktails.
  • Sauces, Dips & Spreads: Incorporate it into pesto, guacamole, and hummus.
  • Healthy Snacks: Add a spoonful of the powder to Date Balls for extra nutrition.

Note: Although it can be added to recipes of your favorite foods, I do not suggest drinking it plain with just water. It comes from the sea so it has a slightly fish taste that works better when combined with other foods and flavored liquids. It also has a distinct blue-green hue that may make it less appealing in certain dishes (i.e., soups and stews).

two green spirulina smoothies

Who should not eat spirulina?

Although it has many benefits, certain people should avoid using spirulina or consult with a registered dietitian.

  • It is a natural blood thinner so those with blood disorders should consult with their healthcare provider before adding the supplement to their health regimen.
  • Those with autoimmune diseases like HIV, arthritis, or lupus should not use it because it impacts the immune system. For that same reason, pregnant people should not consume it either.
  • Individuals with phenylketonuria (a metabolic disorder) should not take it because their bodies can not process amino acids.

Side Effects of Spirulina

There is a slight chance that you will encounter one of the following when consuming this:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
small teaspoon of green spirulina powder spilled over with a completely white background
Photo by Supliful - Supplements On Demand on Unsplash


What is blue spirulina?

Blue spirulina is phycocyanin, a component of spirulina, not a variety of it. Therefore, it doesn't have the same benefits. It is an extraction of the plant-based protein.

What is spirulina powder?

It is the powder form of spirulina. The powder is consumed as either a beverage or food item.

Are you supposed to take spirulina every day?

Although there is no set rule, you can consume up to 4 grams per day.

Spirulina Chia Fresca With Sea Moss Gel Capri Lilly Good Food Baddie

Easy Detoxifying Spirulina Drink

Spirulina Chia Fresca is a nourishing, detoxifying spirulina drink that takes less than 5 minutes to make! Start your mornings with a tall glass of Spirulina Chia Fresca for an invigorating start to your day. Spirulina is high in antioxidants and nutrients that help reduce inflammation, improve brain health, and remove toxins from the body!

For more detoxifying, green drinks, try our Apple Cucumber Juice next!

Spirulina Chia Fresca With Sea Moss Gel Capri Lilly Good Food Baddie

Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that grows in both fresh and saltwater environments. It is considered a superfood due to its high nutritional content. This vibrant green alga is packed with goodness and can be a game-changer for your health.

It is often consumed in powder or tablet form and can be easily incorporated into smoothies, juices, or various recipes. Spirulina has gained popularity for its potential health benefits, including boosting energy levels, supporting immune function, improving digestion, and providing potent antioxidant properties.

Benefits of Spirulina

  1. Increased Energy Levels: Spirulina is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, providing a natural boost of energy to help you power through your day with vitality and vigor.
  2. Enhanced Immune System: Packed with immune-boosting nutrients like vitamins A, C, and E, as well as antioxidants and phytonutrients, spirulina helps strengthen your immune system, keeping you protected against common illnesses.
  3. Healthy, Glowing Skin: Spirulina's abundance of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants promotes healthy skin by reducing inflammation, nourishing cells, and protecting against damage from environmental factors, resulting in a radiant complexion.
  4. Improved Digestion: Spirulina contains enzymes and fiber that support healthy digestion, aiding in the breakdown of food and promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which can help alleviate digestive issues and enhance nutrient absorption.
  5. Powerful Antioxidant Properties: Loaded with antioxidants like beta-carotene and phycocyanin, spirulina helps combat oxidative stress, neutralize free radicals, and reduce inflammation, contributing to overall health and longevity.
  6. Increased Iron Levels: Spirulina is an excellent source of iron, making it beneficial for individuals with iron deficiency or anemia. Adequate iron levels support healthy red blood cell production and oxygen transportation throughout the body.
  7. Detoxification Support: Spirulina's unique combination of nutrients aids in detoxification by promoting the elimination of toxins, supporting liver function, and protecting against cellular damage caused by toxins in the environment.

Spirulina is a blue-green algae with an impressive nutrient profile. It is rich in antioxidants, B vitamins, magnesium, protein, iron, potassium, and more! It helps detoxify the body, boost the immune system, lower blood pressure, support weight loss, and much more! You can enjoy it daily as a dietary supplement or mix it into your water with chia and lime to make a refreshing Spirulina Chia Fresca!

What Is A Chia Fresca?

Chia fresca, also known as "agua de chia," is a refreshing drink made with chia seeds. It is a traditional Mexican beverage that is simple to prepare and highly hydrating. To make chia fresca, chia seeds are soaked in water or fruit juice until they form a gel-like consistency. The gelatinous texture of the chia seeds creates a unique and enjoyable drinking experience. Often, flavors like lime or lemon juice and sweeteners like honey or agave syrup are added to enhance the taste. Chia fresca is known for its ability to provide sustained energy, hydration, and a dose of fiber and nutrients from the chia seeds.

How To Make A Spirulina Chia Fresca

  1. Add the chia seeds, spirulina powder, agave, water, and lime juice into a pitcher or mason jar. Stir well to avoid clumps. Then set aside for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Stir again to loosen any clumps of chia seeds (this is completely normal). Have a taste of the mixture and if it is too tart, add a little more agave.
  3. Serve with lime wedges and enjoy!

Optional Add-ins

  • 1-2 tablespoons of Sea Moss Gel
  • 1-2 tsp Moringa Powder
  • Fresh Mint or Basil
Spirulina Infused Sea Moss Gel
Spirulina Infused Sea Moss Gel


How to drink spirulina powder?

Adding spirulina powder to your drinks is easy. Mix a teaspoon of spirulina powder into your drink and stir to dissolve.

Can you drink spirulina with water?

Yes, you certainly can! Spirulina powder mixed with water is one of the easiest ways to enjoy spirulina. You can also add it to your smoothies or juices. Keep in mind that the spirulina may change the color of your drink to a green or blue hue, depending on the type of spirulina you use.

What is the best time to take spirulina?

Spirulina can be taken at any time of day. Because it is high in nutrients like protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, and more, many people take spirulina first thing in the morning, after a workout, or between meals.

What can you mix spirulina with to make it taste better?

Try mixing your spirulina powder with fresh pressed fruit juices like orange juice, mango juice, or pineapple juice. The vibrant sweet flavor of the juice will help to mask the taste of the spirulina. You can also mix it into fruit and vegetables smoothies where the flavor will be hardly detectable, like in this Tropical Spirulina Smoothie.

We hope you enjoy this Spirulina Chia Fresca Drink!

If you try the recipe, don’t forget to rate the recipe and let me know what you think in the comments. Leave a quick review & star rating ★ below!

More Nutrient Dense Drinks To Try!

Spirulina Chia Fresca (Detoxifying Spirulina Drink)

Spirulina Chia Fresca is a nourishing, detoxifying spirulina drink that takes less than 5 minutes to make! Start your mornings with a tall glass of Spirulina Chia Fresca for an invigorating start to your day. Spirulina is high in antioxidants and nutrients that help reduce inflammation, improve brain health, and remove toxins from the body!

  • 2.5 cups Water
  • 2-3 tablespoons Chia Seeds
  • 1-2 Limes, juices
  • 2 tsp Spirulina Powder
  • 1 tbsp Agave Syrup (plus more to taste)

Optional Add-ins

  • 1 tablespoon Sea Moss Gel (or 1 tsp Sea Moss Powder)
  • Fresh Mint
  1. Add the chia seeds, spirulina powder, agave, water, and lime juice into a pitcher or mason jar. Stir well to avoid clumps. Then set aside for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Stir again to loosen any clumps of chia seeds (this is completely normal). Have a taste of the mixture and if it is too tart, add a little more agave.
  3. Serve with lime wedges and enjoy!
healthy chia fresca, spirulina, spirulina drink, spirulina drink recipe, spirulina water, ways to use spirulina powder

close up view of sea moss gel

How To Make Sea Moss Gel Without Blender

Learn how to make sea moss gel without a blender, using a simple soak-and-boil method. Aside from learning how to boil sea moss, we will discuss the benefits and uses of this superfood in gel form.

Interested in more nutrient-rich foods? Check out these 10 Benefits of Spirulina next!

Dried Raw Irish Sea Moss

What is Sea Moss?

Sea moss (also known as Irish sea moss or Chondrus crispus) is a type of seaweed (red algae) packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals (like calcium and zinc) that benefit the human body. In recent years, its popularity has grown among the health-conscious and specifically within the vegan community. Aside from its natural state, it can be purchased as supplements in powder, pill, and gel form.

It is native to the Atlantic Ocean and is found between North America and Europe. However, there are other varieties throughout the world including Asia and the Carribean islands.

What is Sea Moss Gel?

Sea moss gel is simply sea moss combined with water, boiled down to a gelatinous form. It is an easy way to consume the algae.

How do you make sea moss gel at home?

The most common way to prepare sea moss gel is to blend it. But before most households had blenders, homemade sea moss gel was prepared by boiling. With this recipe, we'll take it back to the basics and learn how to make sea moss gel without a blender.

Can you boil sea moss?

You can absolutely boil sea moss to create a gel and achieve the same taste and a similar consistency as the blender method.

Reasons This Sea Moss Gel Recipe Works

  • Convenient! Healthy choices should be accessible to all. Make sea moss gel without a blender, food processor, or any other fancy equipment.
  • Easy! This 2-ingredient recipe is so simple. And the boiling method adds just an additional 15 minutes to the process.
  • Versatile! Prepare sea moss gel and add a spoonful to nearly anything to boost the nutritional value!

Health Benefits of Sea Moss

Sea moss has so many benefits. Here are just a few:

Great for Gut Health

Sea moss has a high amount of prebiotics, which replenishes probiotics (good bacteria) in the gut. Consequently, consuming sea moss improves digestion.

Boosts the Immune System

It's a great source of Vitamin C and Vitamin A, which improve the body's immunity. It has anti-viral properties that can help relieve cold and flu-like symptoms.

Weight Loss and Management

The algae are high in fiber, which helps you feel full for longer. This, in turn, leads to less overeating.

Improves Thyroid Function

Sea moss is an excellent source of iodine, a mineral that produces thyroid hormones. This hormone dictates the functionality of the metabolism and determines energy levels.

Ingredients You’ll Need

  • Dried Raw Irish Sea Moss: It should be about 29 grams when weighed.
  • Spring or Alkaline water: For cleaning and soaking.

a bowl of dried raw irish sea moss soaking in water

How To Make Sea Moss Gel Without a Blender

Start by placing the dried sea moss in a spacious bowl, and then cover it with water. Gently massage the sea moss to get rid of any visible dirt or debris. Afterward, drain the liquid and repeat this rinsing process once more.

Next, take the rinsed sea moss and put it in a large bowl. Cover it with filtered or spring water (avoid using tap water). Ensure that all parts of the sea moss are submerged. Let it soak for 12 to 24 hours at room temperature.

a hand holding sea moss after it has been soaked, over a bowl of water

How To Boil Sea Moss

Remove the sea moss from the water and place it in a medium-sized saucepan. Add water until it reaches about half an inch above the sea moss level.

overhead view of sea moss gel boiling with water

overhead view of sea moss gel boiling with water

Bring the saucepan to a boil, then lower the heat to a simmer. Stir the sea moss continuously for 10-15 minutes until it fully breaks down (small clumps are acceptable).

a whisk stirring a sea moss gel mixture

If needed, slowly add water and continue to stir to break down. Add a maximum of 1 to 1.5 cups of water to help break down the clumps.

sea moss gel being poured into a mason jar


Pour the Sea Moss gel into a clean mason jar. Let it cool down at room temperature for a minimum of 30 minutes.

After cooling, seal the mason jar tightly and place it in the refrigerator. You can store it there for up to 2-4 weeks. Alternatively, if you want to store it for a longer period, you can keep it in the freezer for up to 3 months.

a mason jar about 3/4 full of sea moss gel

How to Use Sea Moss Gel

Enjoy the benefits of Sea Moss gel by incorporating 1-2 tablespoons into your daily routine. You can add it to your smoothies, tea, coffee, juice, soups, jams, and more. Get creative and enjoy the nourishing goodness!

Can you eat sea moss gel by itself?

You can eat sea moss gel on its own. If you prefer to eat it by the spoonful instead of adding it to recipes, consider adding a bit of honey or agave so it's easier on the palate.

Tips To Nail the Recipe

  • Rinse your dried sea moss thoroughly before boiling sea moss gel. This removes all dirt and debris so you aren't left with any grit in your gel.
  • Use spring or filtered water, never tap.
  • Don't skip the soaking process. This hydrates and softens the sea moss, therefore making it easier to break down later as it boils.
  • The color may fade a bit once it soaks. That is totally normal.
  • Ensure the sea moss is fully submerged in water as it boils so that it doesn’t dry out.
  • Do not overcook or the gel will be too thick.
  • Allow the gel to completely cool before using it.
  • Sea moss gel continues to solidify and thicken as it cools in the fridge.

How long do you soak sea moss before blending?

Soak sea moss for at least 12 hours. This is especially important since we aren’t blending but manually mixing the sea moss as it boils.

Why won't my sea moss blend?

Without a high-powered blender, sea moss gel won't be nearly as smooth. However, there are ways to counteract that. Remember to soak the sea moss for at least 12 hours, and keep it submerged in water as it boils so it denigrates. Also, continue to stir it after it is removed from the heat in order to eliminate any clumps.

Does boiling sea moss kill the nutrients?

No. The sea moss simmers at low heat for no more than 15 minutes so the nutrients are preserved.

sea moss gel being boiled in a saucepan on the stove

Now You Know How To Make Sea Moss Gel Without a Blender!

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How To Make Sea Moss Gel Without Blender

Learn how to make sea moss gel without a blender, using a simple soak-and-boil method. Aside from learning how to boil sea moss, we will discuss the benefits and uses of this superfood in gel form.

  • 1 oz Dried Raw Irish Sea Moss (about 29 grams when weighed)
  • Spring or Alkaline water (for cleaning and soaking)
  1. Start by placing the dried sea moss in a spacious bowl, and then cover it with water. Gently massage the sea moss to get rid of any visible dirt or debris. Afterward, drain the water and repeat this rinsing process once more.
  2. Next, take the rinsed sea moss and put it in a large bowl. Cover it with filtered or spring water (avoid using tap water). Ensure that all parts of the sea moss are submerged. Let it soak for 12 to 24 hours at room temperature.

How To Boil Sea Moss

  1. Remove the sea moss from the water and place it in a medium-sized saucepan. Add water until it reaches about half an inch above the sea moss level.
  2. Bring the saucepan to a boil, then lower the heat to a simmer. Stir the sea moss continuously for 10-15 minutes until it fully breaks down (small clumps are acceptable). If needed, slowly add water and continue to stir to break down. Add a maximum of 1 to 1.5 cups of water to help break down the clumps.


  1. Pour the Sea Moss gel into a clean mason jar. Let it cool down at room temperature for a minimum of 30 minutes.
  2. After cooling, seal the mason jar tightly and place it in the refrigerator. You can store it there for up to 2-4 weeks. Alternatively, if you want to store it for a longer period, you can keep it in the freezer for up to 3 months.
  3. Enjoy the benefits of Sea Moss gel by incorporating 1-2 tablespoons into your daily routine. You can add it to your smoothies, tea, coffee, soups, jams, and more. Get creative and enjoy the nourishing goodness!
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